Author: alslama

Trips that were impossible in the past In January 2021, and without the assistance of icebreakers, the Russian tanker “Christophe de Margerie” completed its first trip to transport liquefied gas from Russia to China through the Northern Sea Route, which connects the Atlantic and Pacific Oceans via the Arctic. In the past, it was impossible […]
تأثيرات أزمة كورونا على قطاع الشحن و اللوجيستيك
High prices, sailing empty, port closures, and shortages of equipment and space are just a few of the problems facing companies today, particularly in the transport and logistics sector, due to the Coronavirus. The virus has left everyone in a state of shock. No one expected shipping container prices to rise to the tune of […]
How has COVID-19 affected the global shipping industry? The global shipping industry was significantly affected by the COVID-19 pandemic as the demand for goods decreased following government lockdown and isolation measures due to the virus. Factories and ports were closed due to health and safety concerns, causing supply chains to collapse. To ensure the safety […]